Al Fresco Blanket

Production Time: 10 Working Days
36 $13.32 each
100 $13.15 each
250 $12.98 each
500 $12.82 each
Seat or Blanket - The Best of Both Worlds! This fashion-fleece picnic blanket has a multi-colored stripe and a nylon shell lining to keep the dew from soaking through. Has a matching zippered case for storage and for a brand message. Use as a seat cushion while folded, or unfold and lay on ground to protect from dirt and moisture. Perfect for concert events, picnics or sporting events.

Normal Production Time
10 Working Days

Product Size
55 IN L 48 IN W

Additional Information
Price Includes Color: 1 Color Imprint

Price Includes Location: 1 location

Location 1: Front pocket

Decoration Method: Screen printed

Packaging: Bulk
Cheri Pauls
Scottsdale, AZ 85254
(719) 495-9830